Saturday, August 29, 2009


I have a mission for you, readers. One of my best friends has been looking for the perfect pair of shoes to go with her little black dress. But not just any shoes. (You ready for this?)
Electric blue, patent leather heels. Yes.
So I'm going to ask you to help us. (She didn't ask me to do this...but whatever.) You don't have to go looking but if you're ever in a shoe store (or just a store with shoes in it) could you look for some electric blue, patent leather heels. If you do by chance find some take a picture for me. If you have Facebook, send it to me there. (My email is MAJORLY malfunctioning.) Thanks so much!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

the new nest

Hello my people!
Sorry it's been so long since I posted! (I've just realized...that's always the first thing I say. I guess it's just because I'm such a BAD blogger. Hmm. We'll have to fix that.) So, I'm sitting in the our new house, drinking [sugar-free] cranberry juice and listening to "Everything You Ever Wanted" by Hawk Nelson {<3!!} and I was just thinking... what an I doing here? (At this computer, specifically) Posting on this blog. About the same old life. What is it all for? And will it actually benefit anyone by reading this blog? "Hmm...good question Savannah" I say to myself. Well, my friends, I've come to a conclusion. I've decided that even (and especially) if I go down the career path of my choice (Lord willing) I will continue to reach out to the people patient enough to follow it and express my passion for life and my first and only lover, Jesus Christ. So there.
And I'm not going to hold back from being myself...I'm just not going to post stupid stuff anymore. I will hopefully post more pictures...but my camera cord is in a box somewhere...
The next post I do will be about my career dreams! Yay! Now you have something to look forward to!...kinda.
The move went well and we're doing good...all under the same roof! Yay! Thank you for your prayers! I gotta go. I love you all and please keep reading!
Love in Christ,
P.S. I applied for a job today at Monkey Joe's in Gastonia! Yay! Pray that works out please! <3 <3