Friday, December 26, 2008

Veggie Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! :D

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, my friends!
I can't write much now (because there are home-made donuts on the table!!!!! :D I love traditions!)
I just wanted to wish you all a wonderful day!
And as tiny Tim always says - "God bless us everyone!"

Love in Christ Jesus,

Savannah Butt.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm so sorry my posts (even though I don't post often) are so lame!
My brain has been doing some crazy things lately.
So, I hope you are all well, and had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was great!
Also, Christmas is really close! It really creeped up on me! I am so excited about this Christmas!
I just hope we all remember what Christmas is really about! And if you think about it, it's one of the most important days in all history! :D
That makes me excited, knowing that we are able to take part in it!
Well, I should go!
Love to all! And if I don't post before Christmas...Merry Christmas!
In Christ ALONE,
Savannah B.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well, we (my family and I, except for Ashleigh) are about to walk out the door. We are going to my Uncle's house in Fairfield, NC for Thanksgiving.
I am SOOOO excited!
I can't write any more, I just wanted to tell you all to have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!
And we can't forget what Thanksgiving is ll about! ;D
Love in Christ,
Savannah B.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Because I Love You, My Dear

So, this post is dedicated to my friend Janelle!
She is amazing!
(see Janelle! I'm posting on my blog!)
; )
I just wanted to dedicate a post to her!
Love you Janelle!...and you all! :D
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy <3

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fast Food

A Pizza Hut.
A Pizza Hut.
Kentucky Fried Chicken and A Pizza Hut.
A Pizza Hut.
A Pizza Hut.
Kentucky Fried Chicken and A Pizza Hut.
Mc. Donald's
Mc. Donald's
Kentucky Fried Chicken and A Pizza Hut.
Mc. Donald's
Mc. Donald's
Kentucky Fried Chicken and A Pizza Hut.

Savvy <3

Friday, October 31, 2008

Esther - Chosen For Such A Time As This!

So, I said I would post when we found out what play we were doing, in CYT. I'm sorry I didn't! As you can see from the header (or title~thingy) we are doing Esther! I am SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! (can you tell?) we don't have the cast list, but we will in a few weeks! I promise that I will post about that! Well, I love you all!
Be Blessed!
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy : )

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


How did it get this way?
Who started this?

Halloween = The delight of torturing our fellow man with nightmares, while dressed
immodestly and eating too much candy...

What's the point?
Is it worth it?

I was just looking at a Party City, I think it was, magazine and my brother could not partake in looking through this particular catalog...because of satanic images and scanty women!
Do you have an answer?
It sure has me baffled!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Okay,. Joelle tagged me!
* Link to the person who tagged you.
* Post the rules on your blog.
* Write six random things about yourself.
* 'Tag' six-or-so other people at the bottom of your post
* And leave comments on their blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
* Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.

1.) I LOVE Pumpkin pie...especially my Grandma's.
2.) I am writing like three books right now.
3.) The only nuts I like are Pecans and Macadamias.
4.) When I was a baby I was lactose intolerant.
5.) I daydream...ALOT!
6.) I like pencils better than pens when I write.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy National Taco Day

Hey Everybody! I just Wanted To Say...Happy National Taco Day!

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm still here!

Hi! Just wanted 2 say I love you guys, and I have not abandoned you! I'm just busy! We started school today, and all that stuff! Well, be blessed!
In Christ ALONE,
P.S. Pray for Ash and Cait! They leave for Mexico on Saturday! I can't go, cause of money! But there's always next year! : )
P.P.S. Oh! How did you like my quote?

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm not as random as you think I salad.


Well, we are now moved! Yay! It is so windy! My Mom has lots of windchimes and ao all we hear all day is the "ding ding dang dong dink donk" of the wind's pretty!
(U gotta love my sound affects!)
Well, I just wanted to give you an update!
Love you all!
In Christ ALONE,

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well, I was going to wait until I updated my picture, but Caitlin (cough cough) won't take a new profile pic of me so it's about time you all knew...if you didn't already!
Yay! It's up to my jaw! It's not exactly how I wanted it, but I still like it!
Well, hope you can see it soon!
In Christ ALONE,
P.S. Love to all y'all!

Monday, September 8, 2008


I just wanted to say how much I LOVE CYT!
If we find out what play we are doing in class tomorrow (fan girl scream) then I will post about it!
Love to you all!
In Christ ALONE,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

??Food Lion??

So, Food Lion?
How does a lion associate with groceries?
(Oh! Happy Labor Day!)
Why would someone want to buy groceries from a lion?!?!
I don't get it! I would like to meet the man/woman/it who named our beloved grocery mart
and tell him/her/it that he needs help!
It's not a problem, but it's kinda deceiving! Now people are under the impression that lions are nice to just anybody!
Well, thank you for joining me!
Please leave me a comment and tell me just exactly what you think!
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy <3

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, before I start on the paint subject... I will say that we are moving to Fuquay-Varina... as far as I know!
So, the house we are moving into needs some work...well...a lot of work...but we've been working on it!
Our dear friends from our church, the Jones, came and helped us on Sunday!
Other than getting a lot done, we had a great time!
We are going to go work this afternoon as well.
But yesterday I Kilz...ed Mom and Dad's whole room ...BY MYSELF! Wahoo! It was fun...but tiring and now I'm really sore! Oh well! I'll be okay, believe it or not!
Hee hee!
So, keep in touch and check out my (NEW) other blog!
Love and Peace!
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy <3

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hi all! (That's where you say "welcome back to the blog world, stranger!!")
First off, what has happened/what I've been up to!

  • My dear Grandma Doris is in heaven now!
  • I LOVE HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The TV show!
  • I am going to start a band!
  • I went to the Rebelution conference!
  • I looked cute today!
So, yeah! I'll remember more later! I just wanted to say how much I've missed you and that I still love you guys! I'm so sorry I've neglected you for so stinkin' long!
(I smell burningness!)
Well, I love you...still! And I have facebook now, so look me up...if I know you! If you are just some random stranger...then leave me a comment and perhaps we can get to know each other a little better! Heee heee! Well, have a wonderful week!
In Christ ALONE,
Live well,
Laugh much,
Love lots,
Eat steak.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Return From The Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Fascinating Peoples Of The World!
Hi! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that it has been so long between posts! I am doing great, and I hope you are all doing great too! I can't write much, but I just wanted to update! I am going to Youth Camp this weekend with other youth groupies from my church! So... yeah! Hope you all have a wonderful Independence Day!
In Christ ALONE,

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beach Pictures! (FINALLY)

Dude! I finally have the beach pics up! Wow! That took way too long! Here they are!
Enjoy! If any of you have questions of what the pictures are of, just leave me a comment! Love you all!
God bless!
In Christ ALONE,
P.S. Thank you again Krissy! I had a blast! Love you baby!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lazy bum...That's me!

I have not been a lazy bum...I just haven't had time to post! I've made like a million cakes in the last few weeks! It's insane! Guess what!?!?!?!?!? I have pictures!!!!! Yay! I know you've been anxiously awaiting my beach/cake pictures and at last...I have em! Hoorah! I will put the cake ones first! Here we go! 1.pettit fours 2. Carrot cake (Daddy's birthday) 3. Graduation cake 4.David's birthday cake 5. Graduation cake 6. Mikayla's birthday cake 7. Youth Group picnic cake 8. Wilton rainbow cake (my cake class) 9. Mrs. Dorsey's birthday cake
And that's all the cakes! (at the moment!) Tee hee!
Well, love you guys! Be blessed! In Christ ALONE,

Lazy bum!

Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey you guys...and gals! Sorry it's been so long! I can't post a lot, but I must tell you why I haven't posted in so long a time! You ready for this?! we go! I've been making cakes, cleaning my house, making cakes, babysitting, making cakes, being psyched, making even MORE cakes and being busy! How's that excuse?! I kinda like it! Also, my blasted camera cord still isn't working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, pray for me you guys! I am almost definitely going to Mexico this fall! It's a annual missions trip with my church! Every year they go down to an orphanage in Guadalupe, Mexico and serve however they can...and I've been left behind every I really hope I can go! I really need the time with God! Pray that even it I don't get to go, that I'll have a good attitude! Well, I gotta go put some cakes away! i'll HOPEFULLY have pictures of my life (since my cord stopped working) soon enough! Love you all!
I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
In Christ ALONE,
Savannah Catherine

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hi you guys! I'm home from Bald Head Island, NC and let me tell you... IT WAS AMAZING! We drove around in golf~carts the whole time (well, I didn't, cause you have to be 16 or older)! There aren't any cars on the island!
We went to the beach every day, we went to the pool once, we got ice cream, we got rained on, we wrote in the sand, we poked jellyfish, we climbed Old Baldy (the lighthouse), we sang in the back of golf~carts and we had a fabulous time...well, at least I did! I'll have pictures soon! My camera is being a butt...just like me! (cause my last name is Butt) He he! I'm a little sunburned but it will be tan soon! Yay!
So, the story behind the singing in the golf~carts is: the night we got there (Friday) it was about 8:00 and we needed to go get food 4 the weekend and we had to take the golf~cart with six seats, so Kristen and I sat on the last row, which faced backwards. It was dark outside and we were bored so Kris says "How about we sing 'Wash Your Hands'(ttlg) to the people we pass?!" and I was like "OOH! Yeah! Let's do it!" So, we sang and pointed at people and then somebody got right up behind us and we sang to them all the way to the store, and when we got there and got parked, they like ran inside and we didn't see them at all in the store! It was hilarious! He he he! We tried it the next morning, but my throat hurt and it wasn't as fun 'cause we could see their faces. So, instead, we struck poses when people passed us when we were waiting for Nicki and Camryn. Emerson waved and said hi in three different languages! It was awesomeness! So, I'll have pictures soon! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and Memorial Day! I did! Love you all!
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy <3
P.S. Pray for me y'all! My feet are in bad shape!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Weekends! *sigh

I'm going to the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeach!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I'm so exited! Let me calm down a little...(exhales deeply)...okay! Guess what? I'm going to the beach this weekend! I am very happy. Know why, know why?? Because I'm going Friday and staying 'till Monday... and I've never stayed at the beach for more than like eight hours in my life! I'm SOOOOO EXITED! WAHOO! (that's my new word. I say it all the time!) ;-) Ya, and I might not be able to post until Monday or Tuesday, so don't miss me too much! (te, he he he he!)
But I have a surprise! (which is about to not be a surprise any more! Mua ha ha ha ha!) When I came back, I'll have pictures of the cakes I made (I'm actually making them now, but when I leave they will already be made) for Mikayla and David's birthday party! I'm really exited! I just made a batch of fondant yesterday and then I made one more batch today! Yay! Have a superdy-duper weekend y'all!
And to finish this post...I will add a random picture of my beautiful mini Schnauzer named Doohickey! (I didn't name him! He was my Grandma's dog, but she's in Heaven now!)
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy <3 (Isn't my puppy cute?!)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I've decided to post about my friends! First is my friend from church! Victoria! (She likes every1 to call her "Vicky" but I like her full name!) She's been my friend for like five years (at least) and she's awesome! I know for a fact that she's gonna hate me for putting this picture on the internet...but I'll still love her! Meet Vicky!
Isn't she pretty?! She did not want me to take this picture, but she still loves me!...I hope! Well, hope you get to meet her some day! She's a pretty cool person!
Love you babe! I hope you still love me! God bless!
(Love you all!)
Savvy <3

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


First off, have you all noticed how I put at least one exclamation point on the title of almost every post I've done on this blog? I guess I'm just an energetic kind of person! Bah! So, down to the point! Focus Savvy! (Inhales deeply.) Okay! Here we go!
Music! How charming music is! I absolutely love it! I've just visited Joelle's blog and Oh my goodness! I LOVE her assortment of music on her music player! I'm listening to "Funky~town" by Alvin and The Chipmunks! I love that movie! I love their music! Haha! Hehehe! I want to sing until the day I die! And because I'm so happy...I'm going to post one of my favorite old pictures of me...or with me in it! =-) This is Tiger and Dude! At my Aunt Becky's house a few years ago! We go down to her house in Virginia almost every summer in August! Well, Love you guys!
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy <3