Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey you guys...and gals! Sorry it's been so long! I can't post a lot, but I must tell you why I haven't posted in so long a time! You ready for this?! we go! I've been making cakes, cleaning my house, making cakes, babysitting, making cakes, being psyched, making even MORE cakes and being busy! How's that excuse?! I kinda like it! Also, my blasted camera cord still isn't working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, pray for me you guys! I am almost definitely going to Mexico this fall! It's a annual missions trip with my church! Every year they go down to an orphanage in Guadalupe, Mexico and serve however they can...and I've been left behind every I really hope I can go! I really need the time with God! Pray that even it I don't get to go, that I'll have a good attitude! Well, I gotta go put some cakes away! i'll HOPEFULLY have pictures of my life (since my cord stopped working) soon enough! Love you all!
I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
In Christ ALONE,
Savannah Catherine


Mia said...

Hey Savannah!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Thanks so much for the idea's on a new name. I think it's the best one yet! (don't tell anyone else I said that though! lol.)

Mia said...

p.s. I LOVE the name of your blog! I totally get the meaning too! I was in Through the Looking Glass a few years ago. You're in CYT right?

Savvy said...

Yeah! And Melissa told me that you were one of the daisies! My little sister, Mikayla, was (In this year's TTLG) the daisy that said "It says bough-ow. That's why it's branches are called boughs!" I was the butterfly! It has forever changed the way I think about Heaven! I'm so glad you like the title! I had hoped that when people read the title, they would ask me what it meant, and I could share the gospel!
And I'm so glad you liked the names! I am like OBSESSED with weird names! I am also writing a fictional book, and kinks have been looking for different foreign names! (I won't tell anyone that you said you like my ideas best!)
;-) Your secret is safe with me!
Love in Jesus Christ,