Sunday, March 22, 2009

Esther - Chosen For Such A Time As This! (Aftermath)

Hello all!
Update on Esther - it went BEAUTIFULLY! God blessed us so much! The cast just really connected in last two weeks of rehearsals and we prayed SO MUCH! It was one of the best times I've ever had!
There were about 2,500 people in attendance! (if you add all the performances together)
God is so good!
And also I have some odd news. On Friday (the week before the play) we were at the mall (Mom and the sibs and I) and my ears had been popping all day and all of a sudden my right one wouldn't pop. It hurt. It was weird. So, it got worse and when we got home we tried everything we knew to do and it kept getting worse so Mom took me to the emergence at like 6:00am and it turns out my ear drum had actually burst because of the pressure from the ear-infection I didn't know I had. :/
So, I can't really hear out of my right ear (which was hard to sing with) but I think it was because God really wanted me to learn to trust Him and that I can't possibly do it without His help to perform this play.
So my ear drum is healing now, but I'm hearing things two-toned and it sounds like a bunch of robots.
God is good though.
The cast party was today. :D I love that cast so much and I was the first one to cry when we were sharing our testimonies. I was thanking the cast and crew for making my last play (because we're moving to Charlotte) so amazingly special. Oh my goodness. I'm going to cry now.
I'm ok.
Well, I love you all and thank you for supporting us if you did make it to the play!
To God be the glory for our victory!
In Christ ALONE,
Savvy :D